Monday, May 22, 2006

One more Spike

Well, I am back in SC for transition. Its hard to beleive that on Thursday I will depart from base in a van for the last time. We are going to Lafayette for 2.5 weeks, and then we will return to base. Its our last project and now that I know I am not coming back as a Team Leader, I am looking to the end.

I am looking for a job in forest fire work...or I might end up working for Habitat for Humanity. Nothing is certain right now. All I know for sure is that I can rent a storage unit in Charlotte for 40 bucks a month and sleep at the party house for free until I figure things out. Its great to have friends with couches.

Popso, a good friend of mine here is planning on saving some money and trying to go live in Peru for 2 months to help build an orphange. Man, doesnt that sound great?

Tonight, I am going to a RiverDogs baseball game with my teammate Tori. She got a team leader job so she wont be with us on our last project. I'll miss her greatly (together we form the superhero team of Tornando and Lorenzo, bog duo).


Thursday, May 11, 2006

LA, here we come...again

Sure enough, we are getting sent back to Louisiana. We will be working the United Way of Abbeville, and staying...get this, right next to my old high school in Cade, LA. I am pretty stoked, and once again it seems my life has moved in a complete circle. Gonna hang out at ESA and reminisce.

We helped to do this, here in Slidell.

Somehow, I am 25 now. That seems kind of crazy to me. It seems like yesterday I was a freshmen in college. Of course, if I get a fire job, I might back to school to learn some ecology stuff and get a pay increase. That would be sweet. I am applying for fire jobs left and right.

Thanks for the comment BillR...and of course thanks to all my other faithfull readers as well. My weblog is still advertisement free, although I can apparently make money if I put up ads. Would y'all mind ads? I hate them, but of course I also dont really like being poor and getting money for nothing is what this seems like. Maybe i'll wait a little first. I think I'm gonna start selling plasma as its apparently pretty lucrative.

Off to bed to rest for gutting. love y'all,


Monday, May 08, 2006

To the med clinic batman...

Well, its been almost a week, and not much has changed. Day after day we are still working our butts off, removing debris from houses, and then removing the walls and ceilings. Often we also remove carpet and padding from the floors. Its amazing how different the places are before and after. We also seem to change from clean to dirty, the exact opposite of the houses. today was the hardest day we have done so far. Our house had roughly 6 inches of mud throughout, not to mention all of the "stuff" these people had which was basically just stirred around into a big soup of mud and crud.

Lesson #1: As you get older, you should save more memories but less other stuff.
When you get to the point that you are not capable of moving by yourself or gutting your own home in case of catastrophic activities, maybe you should try and cut back on your general stuffage. I have already made an agreement with my teammate Sarah that if I have as much stuff as we are pulling out of these houses when I am old, she is going to punch me in the stomach and yell at me to "get rid of all your crap!"

Lesson #2: Dont become the contents of your house.
This is a variation on the classic quote by Tyler Durden, my personal hero, "the things you own will end up owning you." Its also a variation on "youre not the contents of your wallet." Obtaining stuff and making that stuff your life is only setting you up to be easily broken through the destruction of your stuff, and thus the vicarious destruction of your self. Become stronger as your progress through life. Dont invest time and money into your stuff, weakening who you are. Become your abilities, thoughts, and emotions. Become your company of friends and family. Dont become a couch owner, and kitchen ware user, or a car driver. Become more. Be Great!

Tommorrow I have volunteered to work at the medical clinic. We get the day off of gutting, and some of the people on my team will be bug-busting (visiting houses with unkept pools to inject fish and larvacide into the cess). I am working at a medical clinic, probably sorting pills all day. I get to wear shorts, which beats the amount of sweating I have been doing in Tyvek suits lately. Its been crazy. Never sweated this much in my life.

Time for a team challenge to hopefully find out our next Spike project. I have a feeling we are getting sent to Lafayette, which of course would be sweet.

love y'all. --Leroi

Monday, May 01, 2006

and then there was a message...

So, I have been thinking alot lately about wanting to be in NCCC, and not getting my TL spot. I have been trying to figure out where I went wrong. I have been praying alot.

Then, I got up this morning and went to work. Before we began our tasks, our supervisor, a local pastor stopped us to give us a little talk. He thanked us for our efforts and told us that indeed it was the true gospel, the idea of service, that we woere doing and that God was happy and in all of us everyday that we are here. His words were something to the effect of "Sometimes you dont get the job you want, but doing it anyway, working for others, is the way it is meant to be and makes us better." This is God's love for us and for everyone. It was chilling that he used those words, as if he was speaking directly to me. Combining this with the email that I received from Adam telling me that God would put me where I was suppoed to be has really comforted me. NCCC is not my place after I graduate in June. I dont know why, but I do know that it is not my place, and wherever I land, will be where I am supposed to be.

Tommorrow we are bug patrol, preventing the millions of mosquitoes from breeding in the stagnant bodies of water behind destroyed houses all over this area. I might be on TV, but more importantly I will be making a difference.

Love y'all,
