Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


I ended up going to Thanksgiving with a friend of mine from work. I did nothing but eat, meet people, eat more, and then lay on an uncomfortable bed and think about sleeping. It was really low key (eating doesnt take much energy) but I didnt get much rest. Oh well. I can go to bed early tonight.

Christmas is coming. Write to me to tell me what you like so I can buy something you want that fits that theme. I am not skipping Christmas this year...but I may take another easy way out and buy you all books!

I have a new email

Muay thai is coming along well. My neck is usually sore a few days after, but it comes with the territory. I have been picking larger people to spar with, so that makes things pretty interesting. usually I grapple with someone after we are done as well, to truly drain myself of ALL energy.

My friend Kristen comes into town this week! I am pretty excited. She was on my NCCC team last year and I really enjoyed spending time around her. Kristen is thinking of moving to Charlotte to go to school at Presbyterrian Hospital for Radiology. I am super stoked. Hopefully I can take a half day on saturday so we can hang out some. Regardless, its going to be fun to catch up and hang out.

Merry Christmas future greetings!

--Will DAlen Rice

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