Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Genesis Group

I have come to a new beginning in my life. It seems the ideal epiphany to come to would be to figure out what I want to do in order to make lots of money and grow wealthy in order to buy BMWs while affording luxurious vacation homes for my parents. Would we all like this sort of transformation and guidance. Read no further if you are vigorously agreeing.

I have decided to give away 1,000,000 dollars by the year 2017. The inspiration came from me seeing a lady on TV at the State of the Union who had created a business that made millions off of a few simple ideas. She looked as ordinary as myself, and I have many simple ideas...more everyday. All I really need is 10 ideas, each producing 10k per year. Seems easy when you break it down like that.

So, as often has been the case in my life, I am nothing without the people around me. If you are reading this, I am assuming we know each other and you are one of the aforementioned people around me. Want to get involved in my grand scheme?There are currently two ways. 1) If you have an idea that you think just might be crazy enough to work, I am likely to agree. or 2) you can take part in the first small manifestation which I like to call...

The Genesis Group seeks to pool "tithe" money. I call it tithe, because there is a biblical reason why I give the amount I do. You, of course, don't need to believe in God or tithing to give. You simply have to want to help others by giving your money and you have to have at least one idea for who you want to give it to. You get to choose the organization the first time you take part in the pool. the rest of the time it will be a consensus or democratic vote. the amount to match of mine is $38. I get paid this Thursday (3/22), so I am looking to make a donation by Friday. let me know if you want in.

love y'all, --Will

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll match your $38. Relay for Life is coming up in a little over a month. Wanna come out for it in Concord?