Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mail, Secret Millionaire, and Octomoms...better versions

Twice in the past week now, I have come into possession of mail that is not my own. Its easy enough to put the mail back in the slot (which sends it back to the post office or back to the sender). Its also really easy to just throw it away. But, once you think about it, especially living in an apartment complex, how hard is it to just personally deliver to the correct apartment? Answer: Its not hard at all. This, though is the ultimate microcosm for our society. How hard is it really to recycle? How hard is it to carpool? How hard is it to spend 2 hours a week serving food to the hungry, building homes for the homeless, or just stopping to assist someone with car trouble. Answer: Its not hard at all. So then, why are there so many people not lifting a single finger to help the so many fewer that have so much need?

Sometimes it just takes a little inspiration. Are you lacking? Then, I would suggest watching a little bit of Secret Millionaire. I think it only ran for about 8 episodes on FOX, but I really think they hit the nail on the head. Furthermore, they really show that somehow our country is screwed up in that the only people helping the poor, are the people slightly less poor. The people who basically have nothing are giving more of their time and abilities than the people who have it all.
(Warning: This show could cause crying...a weird sort of happy/sad/ breakthrough in therapy crying)

You should watch these. Don't watch them more than 1 episode a week. If you were ever in Americorps, you can understand a lot of this already (so you gotta get your friends to watch it with you!). I just got finished watching episode number 5. The one lady reminds me a lot of Octomom...well, actually the lady who owns the salon reminds me of her too. The difference is the focus on self. Octomom wanted a big family for her own benefit. She didn't care about the impact it might have on the kids...especially with many of them being handicapped. She WANTED something, so she made it happen despite how much it would hurt others. She was SELFISH. The women in the show on the other hand, acted SELFLESSLY. She even said that if she could she would have 50 kids. But, instead of making more, she took in more of the unwanted and impoverished kids. She is helping to fix problems instead of creating more....because she is doing for the benefit of the kids. Her benefit is second to the greater good.

Let me come down off of my soapbox for a moment...

On a more comedic note, I love the look of terror on the people's faces before they tell them that they are really crazy rich. There is always such calm on the poor people's face though...almost as if they have spent their life hearing bad news, so they know that whatever this stranger is about to tell them wont compare to what they have already heard.

...a few steps to get back up here and...

DAMMIT! These people are MILLIONAIRES!!!! What is a hundred grand to them? The cheerleader in episode 5 gave away the most money out of any so far that I have seen. If I were a millionaire, I think I would give all the people I met a 100 grand! Actually, I think I will never get to be a millionaire because once I reach $999,999 I will likely just start giving away everything above and beyond that! (I bet each of the cars that they people drive are worth over $100,000!) I cant believe FOX had to put the minimum stipulation on the money giving. Some of these people could probably lift an entire community out of poverty, or at least create programs and centers that would!

Lastly, there is this one funny moment right at the end of episode 5....profound words that are completely the opposite of actions.

"if we all just give a little, we could do a lot." [pan to amazingly giant big-ass house]

Please share this food for thought with everyone you know so that they will all quit their real jobs that they dont like and join AmeriCorps/ PeaceCorps.


1 comment:

Nikki said...

the part about the almost poor giving to the poor... i have to pay my bills with a credit card sometimes, but I still work for nothing and donate to charity. i guess its because we understand what its like and appreciate what little we do have.