Monday, December 14, 2009

We all should be giving more

Christmas time is about giving, right? But why? Its as if dying for the sins of man really only entitles you to a month (maybe two tops) of behavior in your honor.

Why dont I give the rest of the year as much as I do at Christmas? Many will point to the economy in answering this question and say something along the lines of not being able to afford it. These are the same people who would point to something else, even if the economy was raging and they had just receieved a Christmas bonus. Maybe for me, its just easier to give at christmas, because well, everyone else is doing it. (Disclaimer: although I often try to convince others to follow me by stating "everyone else is doing it," I dont generlly subscribe to that reasoning myself).

Make no mistake about it. I am rich. If you own a car, or have ever even driven a car, you are rich. I own a BIG car. If you are reading this, most likely on a computer, you are rich (if you are reading this printed in a newspaper, let me know....because that would be really cool). I own a computer, have access to 100s more at school, and am still considering getting a new one. I also own a cell phone, which is basically a computer also, and its a pretty low end phone. Even aside from the car and computer examples, if you have never really struggled for housing or food, you are richer than most of the rest of the world. Every night I sleep in a warm bed and eat until I am full. I am rich.

As a rich person, I think I should be giving more. So, I have decided, that whenever anyone not as rich as me asks me for money (or help), I will give it to them. There are obviously some details that need to be established (how rich am I? how rich are they? Whats the maximum amount I will give?), but for now, I can see where I need to be involved. Whenever Bojangles asks me to give to Toy for Tots, I give. Whenever the Salvation Army rings their bell and I have cash, I give. Whenever one of my friends asks me to volunteer with them, I am there.

It remains to be seen whether or not this will cause me to descend into poverty or rise to greatness.


Eric said...

People keep trying to convince me to go into a more lucrative and rewarding job. I find that giving myself to others is just as valuable and far more rewarding than giving money.

Perhaps the people I'm giving to don't really fit your equation that you mentioned earlier of comparative wealth. But, I've tried giving to people with less, and often find that they either don't want the help, or don't know how to want help.

Sherry said...

Spot on post, Will.

Something I wrestle with myself is how to decide on a giving strategy that will produce the most good. I love the idea of giving whenever asked. I love being able to support things when they come up. But then I ask myself whether the $10 or $15 here and there are really helping, and if I wouldn't do a greater good to decide what 'causes' mean the most to me, and focus ALL my giving there. However, that means if I choose 'homeless care' then I can't give to 'cancer research'. Or if I choose 'foreign aid' I can't give to 'education'.
