Saturday, January 19, 2013

And we're back...

Hannah is back into the AmeriCorps (real men don't say the "P").  And somehow...she has begun blogging more than me!  The nerve!

But anyway...lets talk more about ME...well, actually, i probably am just going to talk about Hannah.  And my house.  That's pretty much all there is going on in my life.  Unless you want to hear about Water and Wastewater technology...which I can, would, and do talk about for days.

1) Christmas and New Years were awesome!

We (Hannah and I) spent the holidays with our mothers.  It was the first time I have had a real holiday type thing in my own home.  My mom flew up from LA and Hannah's mom came over from Tryon.  We call them The Moms...collectively.  There were many fires, many trips here and there in the car, and we finally had a giant meal at the giant table I built.  All in all...a success.

2) And there was much volunteering

Hannah really enjoyed her time working.  She has to get 80 ISP (independent service hours) while she is in NCCC.  Which means even on the weekend, she has to occasionally work.  In her case, she is getting on top of it and knocking out some of the hours during her break. Which actually worked out fine, because I volunteer alot too.  We spent time at:
  - the Men's Shelter...where we cooked for some homeless people
  - Room in the Inn...where we helped check people in to the program, and then went to Holy Comforter to stay with them overnight.  They just need a warm place to sleep and the church has such a warm space.  a really awesome program.
  - The Bird Rescue "Barn Building" quotes because we actually worked on a chain link fence.  and a duck bit me.  it was supposed to be a house duck.  Lies!

3) and Hannah returned from whence she came.

She went back to Denver for a week of "training" (which seemed not ultra productive according to the text messages.  They did get to have a trash bag based dance though...which sounded awesome to me.

And then she went on to Casa Grande, AZ.  They have the plant known as cactus there...which we take turns pluralizing as Cactuseses and Cacti! which is always yelled.

She is building trails in the desert.  Apparently it is somewhat enjoyable at this point in time.  I always remembered trail work to be miserable.  But then again...lately I have been envious of her position as I sit at my desk and read her blog.  Grass is always greener on the other side, even if that side is apparently in AZ.

4) Housework is Manwork

So, with my life returning to its much less chaotic timing, i have completed a few projects.

Yes, that is a magic floating shelf of books.  Its magic.  Its hovering.  Magic.

I transplanted this light from my dining room to my kitchen eating area.  Now its super bright.  I love it.  And this is only with 2 bulbs!  If I screwed all 4 in...I would be able to get a tan in there.

Oh yea...I'm getting read for spring!  It was warm, then it got super cold again, but I know its going to heat back up soon and I am going to plan these sweet raised beds I made and voila....eating for free!

Also...not sure if i mentioned it, but i know this girl named Hannah.  She is pretty sweet.  She sent me a bunch of used AmeriCorps shirts.  They smell like hippies.  Mine had finally worn out, so it was great to get "new" ones.  And she sent me an awesome note with it.  She writes nice notes.

Well, except when she forgets to write the note.  sometimes her brain is mushier than it should be.

No worries.  Well, except sometimes she also sits on her Kindle.  and breaks it.

No worries.  I can apparently fix kindles.

Love live THE KINDLE!



Cynthia and Keith said...

It is always great to see you posted another blog. We so enjoy reading them. I am so glad you didn't mention Christmas here as it wasn't what we hoped for and I am sure it wasn't for either you or Hannah.

We send our best to you and love you...:)

Dalen said...

Mush brain! (thats what we call it when me or hannah blanks on something big. Apologies for the omission. We actually did enjoy xmas down there. It was family gatherings should be. Yet, very "familial." I always love coming down to y'all's house. The party poppers and crowns were awesome. I am missing the wall of pics in hannah's room though :(

Cynthia and Keith said...

I miss the pictures too! Our Realtor made us take them down! :(