Thursday, April 18, 2013


My flower in the front yard near my lampost is blooming.  Rene says its called a Clematis.  Its pretty sweet and pretty.  
In CO it is snowing.  In NC, we have flower petals on the ground.   
Yes, that is a giant sweet potato.  No, it doesnt get good reception.  Yes, it can power a lightbulb.
Yes, that ceiling is over 40' high.  Yes, that pipe organ is huge.  My most recent presby experience.
Hannah was here.  Everything in CO is epicly beautiful.  

This is happening all over my neighborhood.  That cute house in the back is going to be torn down and the giant mcmansion will be put up in its place.  i must be prematurely old, decrying the loss of our antique homes.  
yes, you CAN buy your electronics from a vending machine.  No, thats doesnt guarantee you wont get the blue screen of death.  
Me and Mom1

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