Thursday, April 05, 2007

Newest Muay Thai inspired thoughts

(Warning: no apostrophes were seperated from their parents to make this)

Do you ever want life to just be easy? Why cant things just be nice? Why cant there not be injury? Why cant the sun always shine? Would it really be so bad to only have the light without the dark? Wouldnt you rather live in Eden?

Short Answer: No
Long Answer: Read on

It really is the rough times that shape you. So, what shape are you in if there are no rough times? Well, I would believe that you are on the verge of a total collapse, having no shape, no thickened skin or toughened bone, simply a matter of time before the wind blows too hard and you crumble. Nice is dull. Nice is too predictable. There is no excitement on the couch. Excitement comes from knowing that life might try and punch if you continue down the path youre taking. Life might try and kick you in the head. So, what do you do? You persevere. you learn that getting kicked in the head isnt catastrophic. Its unpleasant. You learn that getting punched also creates discomfort. So, what do you do. You keep your chin tucked. You keep your hands up. You counter, you conquer, and then laugh at Life's feeble attempts at derailing your desire. Then when youre there, standing on top, you realize that life wasnt working against you at all, but molding you to something better. so you look over and say, "Thank you life, may I have s'more." Hands up. Chin tucked. Counter.

Question of the Week: Why is it that the philosophy in my brain spills out more so after getting hit in the head. Shouldnt head injuries slow down your thinking? Its like I have a bubble of deep thought that builds and builds until something jars me, its breaks, and then it pours out my nose and ears...kidding...actually it seems to flow from my fingertips.

Happy Easter Bunny Day
and dont forget to thank Jesus for washing your soul clean.

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