Sunday, October 01, 2006

Life is indeed SWEET!!!

Life is good. the more I experience, the more i realize that its dang cool. The difficulty is realizing that life is good. You see, there is no one thing that makes life good. Investigating it on a level of single aspects leaves it up to some temporal results. Today is a good day. Tommorrow may be bad. You have to look at the overall picture. When you compare and contrast, the good pretty much equal out the bad. But you see, then you go back and you eliminate the bad, forget that life sucks on stormy days. Look forward to when the sun shines.

One of my friends just got engaged. Congrats Jamie. If ever there was a cooler woman, i dont know her. I am pretty sure she is essentially the woman version of me. She once described me as a cross between her really close ex-boy and the guy that is now her fiance. Pretty sure we will always be friends, whether or not we are near...72 hours will do that to people.

My job is great. the work isnt awesome, or challenging, or up to my mental capacity as an engineer. The pay is crap. the people I work with are cool. I push papers around a lot. but, the motive and goal is incredible. Affordable housing. poverty issues. its where i am supposed to be for the next year...and i will do it best i can.

today, for the first time in my life, i worked on MY garden. I transplanted a morning glory from down the street. i hope it doesnt die. the soil here is harsh.

today is the first of october. today marks the beginning of my training. this will be my year of cardio and strength training. 1 month structured serious self abuse in the name of progress, then 1 month of overactive lifestyling. rinse. repeat.

happy autumn! --DAlen
PS seriously, who sent me the text message!?

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