Sunday, November 18, 2012

Denver to TX...and i didnt even leave home

Quick Note: 

Hannah and I are both writing blog posts...partly to document our own lives (vanity), but also so that other people can know what is going on (communication...sort of).  The thing is, when people don't write comments, we don't know if anyone is reading our gibberish (well, i know people are at least going to my page, because I am constantly refreshing my page view score...that vanity thing).  So, please...if you're reading this or if you're reading Hannah's blog, leave a comment.  It means the world to us and few things are more great than seeing "3 comments" at the bottom of something you have posted to the Internet.  (i mean for real...even if they end up being bad comments, i am still excited that someone took the time to respond.  i just need a 5-10 word reply...please, please pretty please?)

On to the stories....

At the last writing, Hannah had finally finished training and was headed off to San Antonio.  Some of you are probably saying to yourself..."wait a second.  She was in Denver for like a month.  What could possibly take that long to learn?"  Very good question.  As I recall, much of that time is sort of spent acclimating people to what its going to be like living on an episode of the Real World while still be required to serve the needs of the country.  There is some more concrete training though...resulting in Hannah learning to use a Saws-All.  What is a Saws-All you might ask....

As the name suggests, it saws through almost anything.  Some might call it a reciprocating saw.  Its basically a blade that sticks out and moves in an out rapidly, allowing for some flection.  Its great for cutting out mistakes. 

Sometimes they can be used for crafts...

...which works especially well if your boyfriend loves handmade things...especially things made of OSB.

But anyway, once Hannah's skill training was all done, she got in a van and drove to TX.  Some might say its a bit stalkerish, but I prefer to think its Nick Sparkish, but I followed her.  On the internet.  She texted me where she was and told me how pretty it was.  And from my desk I went there.  It almost felt like I was in the van with her.  Except I was at my desk.  And super jealous.  And wished I was travelling across the great plains of Texas to go work with the large Habitat affiliate in the country.   

So, I did what any man wishing to change his situation would do.  I went to my local Habitat and worked.  Take that!  I totally one upped her.  She was actually still travelling and I was framing...the greatest, most fun task that you could do.  I ended up with blisters, tired arms, sore hamstrings, and a few little nicks from run-ins with materials harder than my skin. 

And although she wasn't there with me, that dang Mumford and Sons song was, which basically means that even if I could stop thinking about her, I cant and wont be able to ever stop thinking about us.

Hannah made it to Texas.  Proof can be seen below.

She is doing part of her work in the office...which, like all office employees in this country, means moving paper.  


Cynthia said...

I love reading both yours and Hannah's blogs and do so as soon as they are posted. They keep us feeling close to you both...:)

Bronson said...

I enjoyed reading this article. The pictures made it more lively.