Monday, November 07, 2005

One week down...

We finished our first week of real Spike Project work. It wasnt as intense as disaster releif was purported to be, but I feel like i did something that people in need will benefit from.

We are located here in Little Rock at a place called Ferncliff Presbyterian Retreat Center. There is probably a website to look up, as it is a rather large operation. They run a lot of camps for kids with special needs, whether it be social, mental, or physical recovery being a primary focus. This place is somewhere that kids who may not have the opportunity otherwise can come and be a kid at camp, which i know to be quite an amazing thing. I especially feel that I would not be the person I am today if it werent for camp.

One of my teammates broke his arm this weekend mountain biking. Myself, one of the girl on our team, and him were riding on some pretty steep trails. He was riding beyond his ability level, he hit a rut, locked his front brake, and endo-ed (biker slang for end over-ing, as in rear end moving over the front end dispensing you over the handle bars onto the ground). Got to use some of my first aid training. He will have surgery wednesday, and hopefully he has learned to slow down a little, as he is a little reckless (crazy teenagers!).

The more i think about it, the more i want to learn ju-jitsu, practice more muay thai, and compete in mixed martial arts competition.

My hair is growing out, so the mohawk is hiding a little bit. Also, its no-shave-november, an AmeriCorps tradition, so my face has gotten quite furry. Also, it seems to display many colors, like the changing leaves of autumn.

leave comments as i love to hear people are reading, otherwise i may write about you.

be great


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